
The ErrorBag class is a wrapper around an array - a collection object -, it is standalone and has no dependencies, you can use it in your code for any purpose:

import { ErrorBag } from 'vee-validate';

const bag = new ErrorBag();

// For example, you may want to add an error related to authentication:
// field and msg keys are required, otherwise (errors.has(field) won't work)
  field: 'auth',
  msg: 'Wrong Credentials'

// Display it like this:

The single error object looks like this:

const error = {
  field: 'Field name',
  msg: 'Error message',
  rule: 'Rule Name', // optional
  scope: 'Scope Name', // optional
  regenerate: () => 'some string', // optional
  id: 'uniqueId' // optional


Method Return Description
add(error: ErrorObject) void Adds an error to the error bag, the error object must conform the object signature mentioned above.
all(scope?: string) Array Gets all error messages in an array, specifying a scope will retrieve the messages within that scope.
any(scope?: string) boolean Checks if any errors exist, specifying a scope will limit the check to within that scope.
clear(scope?: string) void Clears (removes) all errors, specifying a scope will remove errors only associated with that scope.
collect(field?: string, scope?:string, mapped?: boolean) Array|Object Collects errors associated with a specific field. Not passing the field name will group all errors by field name instead. Specifying a scope will limit the collecting behavior to a specific scope. You can optionally specify if the errors objects should be mapped to error messages or not, providing false will return objects containing the full information about the error.
count() number Returns the number of errors that are currently in the collection.
first(field: string, scope?: string) string|null Returns the first error message associated with a specific field or specified by the selector, providing a scope will look for messages within that scope.
firstById(id: string) string|null Returns the first error message for a field with the given id.
firstRule(field: string) string|null Returns the first error message associated with a specific field.
firstByRule(field: string, rule: string, scope?: string) string|null Returns the first error message associated with a specific field and rule, providing a scope will look for messages within that scope.
has(field: string, scope?: string) boolean Checks if there is an error message associated with a specific field or specified by the selector, providing a scope will check for messages within that scope.
remove(field: string, scope?: string) void Removes all errors associated with a specific field, specifying a scope will remove messages only for that field and scope.
removeById(id: string) void Removes a field which matches the provided id.
update(id: string, diff: ErrorObject) void Updates a specific field's error messages data, used internally to keep field errors scope up to date.