Validator API

The validator offers an API to add new fields and trigger validations.



Name Type Description
errors ErrorBag Instance of the ErrorBag class to manage errors.
fields FieldBag Instance of the FieldBag class to manage fields.
locale string The Currently activated locale.


Name Return Type Description
attach(field: FieldOptions) Field Attaches a new field to the validator.
validate(descriptor?: String, value?: any, options?: Object) Promise<boolean> Validates the matching fields of the provided descriptor. when validation is done, the Promise resolves a boolean indicating whether the selected was valid or not.
validateAll(fields?: String or Object) Promise<boolean> Validates each value against the corresponding field validations.
pause() void Disables validation.
resume() void Enables validation.
verify(value: any, rules: string | Object) { errors: string[], valid: boolean, failedRules: { [x: string]: string } } Verify method.
detach(name: string, scope?: string) void Detaches the field that matches the name and the scope of the provided values.
extend(name: string, rule: Rule, options?: ExtendOptions) void Adds a new validation rule. The provided rule param must be a valid Rule function or object.
reset(matcher?: Object) void Resets field flags for all scoped fields. Resets all fields if no scope is provided.

Scoped Reset() Usage

let matcher = {
    scope: 'form-1',
    vmId: this.$


Validate API

The validate method is the primary way to trigger validation, all arguments are optional but will produce different results depending on which arguments you did provide.

Field Descriptor

The field descriptor is a string that can have the following forms:

// validate all fields.

// validate a field that has a matching name with the provided selector.

// validate a field within a scope.

// validate all fields within this scope.

// validate all fields without a scope.


The value argument is optional, if the value is not passed to the validate() method, it will try to resolve it using the internal value resolution algorithm. When the value is passed, the algorithm will be skipped and that value will be used instead.

Validation Options

You can pass the options to modify the behavior of the validation, the options is an object that can contain the following:

Property Type Default Description
silent Boolean false If true the validate method will return the validation result without modifying the errors or the flags.
initial Boolean false If true the rules marked as non-immediate will be skipped during this call, used to prevent initial validation from triggering backend calls.


The Validator.verify method validates a value against the specified rules, allowing you to use the validator programmatically in your code without having to register fields using the v-validate directive, this is useful if you want to validate values rather than input fields, for example in a Vuex action.

import { Validator } from 'vee-validate';

const v = new Validator();
const { valid, errors } = await v.verify('test', 'max:3');

// the valid prop indicates the result of validation.
console.log(valid); // false

// The `errors` is an array of error strings.
console.log(errors); // ["The {field} field may not be greater than 3 characters."]


Note that the messages returned will have {field} as the field name so you can replace it easily if you need to.

Verify Options

Verify accepts a third parameter that is used to configure the validation and messages.

v.verify(value, rules, opts);
Prop Type Default Value Description
name string {field} A string representing the field name used in error messages.
bails boolean true If true, stops validation on the first failing rule.
values object {} An object mapping the values of other fields required for cross-field rules.

Cross-Field Rules

Target dependant rules can also be used; see the rule required_if. You would need to pass the values object in the third parameter, containing the other values and keyed by target name.

// value, rule, values
v.verify('pass', 'confirmed:conf', {
  values: {
    // target fields.
    conf: 'p@$$'