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Form Component

The <Form /> component is like its name, a simple HTML form but with a few adjustments and DX improvements, By default it will render a native HTML form element.

  <Field name="password" type="password" />

Rendering Forms

Just like the Field component you can pass whatever you want to render in its place, for example a custom v-form component that is registered globally:

vue<Form as="v-form">
  <Field name="password" type="password" />

By default a submit and reset listeners are added to the rendered tag specified by the as prop.

For more complex form markup, you can render a div and inline your forms in the Form component’s slots.

vue<Form as="div">
  <h2>Sign up form</h2>
    <Field name="name" />
    <Field name="email" type="email" />
    <Field name="password" type="password" />

HTML Case Insensitivity

Notice the character-case difference between Form and form, the uppercased one is the component provided by vee-validate while the lowercased one is the native form element, you might run into issues when not using Vue compiler workflow like script tags. In these cases it is recommended to rename the Form component to something that will not conflict with native HTML.

js// Using named imports
import { Form as ValidationForm } from 'vee-validate';

const component = {
  components: {
    // If you have VeeValidate globally via a CDN script
    ValidationForm: VeeValidate.Form,

Lastly, you can use the Form component slot props to access various aspects of the form state:

vue<Form v-slot="{ values }">
  <Field name="name" />
  <Field name="email" type="email" />
  <Field name="password" type="password" />

  <!-- prints current form values -->
    {{ values }}

Renderless Forms

While not recommended, you can make the Form component a renderless component by passing an empty string to the as prop, this is useful if you already need to add a form inside the scoped slot:

vue<Form as="" v-slot="{ values, submitForm }">
  <h2>Sign up form</h2>
  <form @submit="submitForm">
    <Field name="name" />
    <Field name="email" type="email" />
    <Field name="password" type="password" />

    <!-- prints current form values -->
      {{ values }}

API Reference


asstring"form"The element to render as a root node
validationSchemaRecord<string, string | Function>undefinedAn object describing a schema to validate fields with, can be a plain object or a yup object schema
initialValuesRecord<string, any>undefinedInitial values to fill the fields with, when provided the fields will be validated on mounted
initialErrorsRecord<string, string>undefinedInitial form errors to fill the fields with, the errors will be added when the form component is mounted
initialTouchedRecord<string, boolean>undefinedInitial touched fields, the status will be applied when the form component is mounted
validateOnMountbooleanfalseIf true, the fields currently present in the form will be validated when the <Form /> component is mounted
keepValuesbooleanfalseIf the fields values should be deleted when they get unmounted, default is false
namestring"Form"The name of the form that is displayed in the devtools.



The default slot gives you access to the following props:

errors: Record<string, string>

An object that maps field names to their error messages, it only takes the first error message of each field if multiple exists.

Here is an example of its shape:

  email: "this field must be a valid email",
  password: "too short"

Any fields without error messages will not be included in the object. So you can safely iterate over it with Object.keys() knowing all the included fields are invalid.

errorBag: Record<string, string>

An object that maps field names to all of their error messages.

Here is an example of its shape:

  email: ["this field is required", "this field must be a valid email"],
  password: "too short"

Any fields without error messages will not be included in the object. So be careful when accessing the errors array for each field

isSubmitting: boolean

Indicates if the submission handler is still running, once it resolves/rejects it will be automatically set to false again.

isValidating: boolean

Indicates if the validate function is still running, once validate function is done it will be automatically set to false again.

meta: FormMeta

Contains an aggregated meta information/flags reflecting the state of all the fields inside the form.

tsinterface FormMeta {
  touched: boolean; // if at least one field is touched (was blurred)
  dirty: boolean; // if at least one field is dirty (manipulated)
  valid: boolean; // if all fields are valid
  pending: boolean; // if at least one field is pending validation
  initialValues?: Record<string, any>; // a map of the form's initial values

values: Record<string, any>

Contains the current form values

setFieldError: (field: string, message: string) => void

Sets a field’s error message, useful for setting messages form an API or that are not available as a validation rule.

If you try to set an error for a field that doesn’t exist, it will be added to the form’s errors object and it will change the form’s valid state

setErrors: (fields: Record<string, string>) => void

Sets multiple fields error messages, uses setFieldError internally.

setFieldValue: (field: string, value: any) => void

Sets a field’s value, if a field does not exist it will not be reflected in the values ref. This will trigger validation on the field whose value changed.

If you try to set a value for a field that doesn’t exist, it will be added to the form’s values object and will stay there until the next resetForm is called.

setValues: (fields: Record<string, any>) => void

Sets all fields values, will trigger validation for the changed fields.

setFieldTouched: (field: string, isTouched: boolean) => void

Sets a field’s touched meta flag, if you set it for a non-existing field it will have no effect.

setTouched: (fields: Record<string, boolean>) => void

Sets multiple fields touched meta flag, does not validate.

validate: () => Promise<{ valid: boolean; errors: Record<string, string>}>

Validates all the fields and populates the errors object, returns a promise that resolves to an object containing aggregated validation result of all fields.

validateField: (field: string) => Promise<{ valid: boolean; errors: string[] }>

Validates a specific field inside the form, returns a promise that resolves to an object containing the validation result.

handleSubmit: (evt: Event, cb: (values: Record<string, any>, ctx: SubmissionContext) => any) => Promise<void>

This can be used as an event handler for submit events, it accepts the event object and a callback function that will run if the form is valid. If an event object is provided, preventDefault and stopPropagation will be automatically called on it.

Note that this is only useful if you are not rendering a form tag on the <Form /> component. By default the Form component uses this handler to handle any submit events.

submitForm: (evt: Event) => void

This function can also be used as an event handler for form submit event, the different that it will prevent the propagation and submission of the form as long as they are invalid. Once all the fields are valid it will submit the form with the native HTML behavior following the form element’s action and method attributes.

This is useful if you plan to handle form submissions using a backend API like Laravel.

submitCount: number

The number of submission attempts by the user, it increments whenever submitForm or handleSubmit callback are called.

handleReset: () => void

Clears error messages, resets the meta state for all fields and reverts their values to their initial state and resets the submitCount to 0. You can use this function as handler for the reset events on native form elements.

resetForm: (state?: Partial<FormState>) => void

Clears error messages, resets the meta state for all fields and reverts their values to their initial state and resets the submitCount.

Accepts an optional object containing the new form state, useful if you need to reset the form values to different values other than their initial state.

This is the shape of the state object:

tsinterface FormState {
  // any error messages
  errors: Record<string, string>;
  // touched meta flags
  touched: Record<string, boolean>;
  // Form Values
  values: Record<string, any>;
  // The form submit attempts count
  submitCount: number;

In the following example the form is resetting the email field value to another value, this will change the field current value as well as it’s initial value. Meaning any future calls of resetForm without arguments or handleReset will use example@example.com as their value. This also applies if fields are reset individually using resetField on either useField return value or <Field /> component’s slot props.

vue<Form v-slot="{ resetForm }">

  <button @click="resetForm({ values: { email: 'example@example.com' } })" type="button">Reset</button>