Aside from useField and useForm and useFieldArray, these are a collection of simple functions that you can use to opt-in specific parts of vee-validate features like form state and various actions you can perform on fields and forms.

Here are a few examples of what you can build with these functions:

  • A custom submission progress component
  • A custom error message component.
  • A form validity indicators
  • reset buttons or submit buttons

Here is a list of the functions available that you can use:

  • useFieldError Gives access to a single field’s first error message
  • useFormErrors Gives access to the entire error bag of the form
  • useIsFieldDirty If a field is dirty
  • useIsFormDirty If the form is dirty (form contains at least one dirty field)
  • useIsFieldTouched If a field is touched
  • useIsFormTouched If the form is touched (form contains at least one touched field)
  • useIsFieldValid If a field is valid
  • useIsFormValid If all fields are validated and valid
  • useValidateField Returns a function that validates a specific field
  • useValidateForm Returns a function that validates the entire form
  • useResetForm Resets the form to its initial state
  • useSubmitForm Creates a submission function that validates and submits the form (even if no form element is involved)
  • useIsSubmitting If the form is currently submitting
  • useIsValidating If the form is currently validating by validate function
  • useSubmitCount The number of times the user attempted to submit the form
  • useFieldValue Returns a specific fields’ current value
  • useFormValues Returns the current form field values

For more information about the functions, you can head over to the API reference and check them out.

Next Step

For TypeScript users, it is imperative that they strongly type their form values and the their submissions. This guide will show you how to use either zod or yup with vee-validate's typed schema utilities to get the most out of your schemas with TypeScript.

TypeScript - Typed SchemasInput and output types and how to make the most out of your form schemas with TypeScript.