Validation Observer

The ValidationObserver is a component that wraps your forms and provides aggregated validation state for all the fields nested under it using scoped slots.

For more information on how to use the ValidationObserver, see Forms Guide.

Scoped Slot Props

These are the properties available on the slot scope accessible with v-slot:

Name Type Description
dirty boolean True if at least one field is dirty.
pristine boolean True if all fields are pristine (not dirty).
valid boolean True if all fields are valid.
invalid boolean True if at least one field is invalid.
pending boolean True if at least one field's validation is in progress.
touched boolean True if at least one field has been blurred (focus lost).
untouched boolean True if all fields haven't been touched (blurred).
passed boolean True if all fields are valid as a result of user interaction
failed boolean True if any field is invalid as a result of user interaction
errors { [x: string]: string[] } An object containing reference to each field errors, each field is keyed by its vid prop.
validate () => Promise<boolean> A method that triggers validation for all providers. Mutates child providers state unless silent is true. Returns true if all valid
validateWithInfo () => Promise<{ isValid, errors, flags, fields }> A method that triggers validation for all providers. Mutates child providers state unless silent is true. Returns information about the validation and error messages
handleSubmit (cb: Function) => Promise<void> Calls validation like validate and mutates provider's state, accepts a callback to be run only if the validation is successful.
reset () => void A method that resets validation state for all providers.


Like providers, observers render a span by default. You can customize the rendered tag using the tag prop, for example a form tag might be more useful.

<!-- Render a form -->
<ValidationObserver tag="form">
  <!-- Fields -->

Forcing Renderless

Sometimes it is unsuitable for a Observer component in principle to render anything extra, because of limitations in the Vue rendering output, you cannot have multiple root nodes which limits the design choice to move away from renderless at the moment, in Vue 3.x it this may change with fragments.

A slim prop can be used to force the component to be renderless, by default it is set to false. The highlighted lines are the only rendered elements in the final output:



<!-- Only the form inside the observer will be rendered -->
<ValidationObserver slim>
    <!-- Fields -->

Note that slim will take effect only when you have one child element in the slot as you cannot have multiple root nodes in a renderless component. Otherwise the tag will be rendered anyway.


<!-- Only form is rendered. -->
<ValidationObserver slim>


Prop Type Default Value Description
tag string span The default tag to render.
slim boolean false If true, it will make the observer renderless, only rendering the HTML inside its slot.
disabled boolean false If true, the observer will be excluded from the parent observer validation.
vid string random string if provided it will be used as the observer's id when being registered as a child of a parent observer.


These are the only methods meant for public usage, other methods that may exist on the ValidationObserver but they are strictly internal.

Method Args Return Value Description
validate { silent: boolean } Promise<boolean> Validates all the child providers/observers and mutates their state unless silent is true.
reset void void Resets validation state for all child providers/observers.
setErrors Record<string, string | string[]> void Sets error messages on validation provider instances, the key should match each provider's vid or name.


The validation observer does not emit any events at this time.