Interaction and UX

Client-side validation is a UX tool for your users, as such there are many strategies regarding when to validate?.

There are multiple common strategies:

  • Aggressive: Triggered when the user presses a key (on input).
  • Passive: Triggered when the form is submitted.
  • Lazy: Triggered when the user leaves the input (on blur or change).
  • Eager: Is a combination of aggressive and lazy, as it first validates when the user leaves the input (on blur or change) then if the input is invalid it will behave aggressively until the input is valid again and it will go back to being lazy.

Interaction Modes

vee-validate implements those common strategies for you, which are called "interaction modes".

Setting The Interaction Mode Globally

You can set the interaction mode for all of the ValidationProvider instances by using the exported setInteractionMode function.



import { setInteractionMode } from 'vee-validate';


Setting The Interaction Mode Per Component

You can alternatively set it per ValidationProvider by passing a mode prop.


<ValidationProvider mode="lazy" rules="required" v-slot="{ errors }">
  <!-- Some input -->

Here are some examples for the default modes available:

Aggressive (Default)

This is the default mode for vee-validate. Validates on input and blur.


Validates on change or blur.


Does not validate unless validate is called explicitly.


This is arguably a better UX for your users since it isn't aggressive initially. It is eager to pass which is reason of its name.

Behaves like lazy when the field wasn't interacted with yet, and if it is invalid it will be aggressive until the input becomes valid again.

Custom Modes

You can define new custom modes, interaction modes are a simple function that takes a context object with the following structure:

interface ModeContext {
  errors: string[];
  value: any;
  flags: ValidationFlags;

For example the eager rule implementation looks like this:

const eager = ({ errors }) => {
  if (errors.length) {
    return {
      on: ['input', 'change']

  return {
    on: ['change', 'blur']

You can pass the function directly to the mode prop on the ValidationProvider:


<ValidationProvider :mode="custom" rules="required" v-slot="{ errors }">
  <input v-model="value" type="text" placeholder="type something">
  <span>{{ errors[0] }}</span>

export default {
  data: () => ({
    value: ''
  methods: {
    custom(context) {
      if (context.value === 'yes') {
        return {
          on: ['input']

      return { on: ['change'] };

Or you can set it globally with setInteractionMode:

import { setInteractionMode } from 'vee-validate';

setInteractionMode('custom', context => {
  if (context.value === 'yes') {
    return {
      on: ['input']

  return { on: ['change'] };


The mode prop takes precedence over the globally configured mode, using setInteraction in runtime will only affect the new Providers created after its call.